Zachary’s idea was to help brighten the day of children that are impacted by long term illness or disability by giving them LIGHTZ … a symbol of HOPE.
Meet Zachary
It was a rough beginning. Zachary was born on May 20, 2003 at four pounds, not able to breathe on his own or swallow. As a result, he required surgery at one month for a trach and a g-tube. He was later diagnosed with Myotubular Myopathy, which is a disease that causes the muscles to stop developing. With a ventilator to help him breathe, he battled with numerous hospitalizations due to pneumonia or infection. Zachary’s muscles were weak, but his mind was not.
Living life to the fullest
He was a normal 16 year old boy, who attended classes at Tesoro High School, in Las Flores, California. It was the best year of his life. He would say that he loved school except for the homework. He would go through the halls and high five the other students.
The story behind the LightZ
A close friend’s visit brought a string of Christmas lights. It was May…Yes, it was May. Festive. Fun. Party. With permission, they were strung up around the bed rails…flashing, blinking, slow fade…red, yellow, blue, green. The lights brightened the space, became a conversation piece, were noticed and appreciated by the nurses, doctors, staff, and well, one very special boy, Zachary. After being in the hospital for seven days, Zachary woke up and started to acclimate to a new day. One day closer to going home, “Mom, can I tell you something? I REALLY like my lights.” “I am soo happy about that, honey.” Mom hugged him. “Mom, I have an idea”, his eyes wide and bright, expecting…waiting…hoping…”Can we do this for other kids?”.